"You're so lucky!!"  We had a star on our plane this afternoon from San Jose, Costa Rica to Charlotte, NC.  Well, at least Beth knew who he was.  :)  It was Terrance Howard from the movie Iron Man. We heard and then saw that he was on the plane but we couldn't see him because he was sitting in first class.  At one point, he did come back to talk to some people that were near the front.  When we got off of the flight, he was right behind us in customs.  Zeig asked if we could get a picture and he said he would but we would have to wait till after we leave customs.  We didn't realize you couldn't take pictures there.  We went through the first part of customs and then saw him taking a picture with an employ so we were about to get in a picture and the security started screaming from across the room that we couldn't take pictures.  Then Terrance shouted "Run!"  It was pretty funny.  He told us he promised to take it after we got out and he thanked us for recognizing him.  Pretty cool experience!

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    Four first grade teachers traveling to the rainforest

