It was the day of many "firsts" for the 1st grade team!

Our first adventure of the day was putting EVERYTHING we needed for two days in our backpacks!  We will be staying in the rainforest for two days without air conditioning, not that we are complaining.

Today we shared an experience of a lifetime! For the 1st time, we watched four blue morphos come out of a chrysalis. We got amazing footage which we can't wait to share with you. We thought this would be the highlight of our day, but things just kept getting better.

After arriving at the docks, we had  another 1st,  We got to cruise along the "Lucky River" in a boat to get to our hotel in the rainforest.  It is unique that the only way to get here is by boat.
I guess the River really is lucky, because as we were cruising along, our driver spotted a sloth in the tree tops. This was the 1st time we were able to see a sloth in the rainforest! We were so excited! It is our favorite rainforest animal! There were also howler monkeys swinging through the canopy!  As you can imagine, we were thrilled!

As soon as we stepped off the boat, leaf cutter ants were crossing our path. They  stopped us in our tracks!  It is incredible how quickly we are coming upon wildlife that we have only seen in books.
We experienced rainy weather today.  It doesn't stop the Costa Ricans and it won't stop us! 
The luck of the river followed us as we visited the local village. As we passed the elementary school, we were invited into a 4th grade classroom. Let's just say it was a life changing experience. It was very different from what we are used to.  The lifestyle here is very different than back home.
Notice in the picture, how all the boys put their heads down and did not want to be in the picture.

Before dinner, we searched for red-eyed tree frogs and saw three!  It was definitely a team-effort!  (Tallulah, you got your wish!)
The day is not over yet for us. It is 8:00 now in Costa Rica and we are looking forward to watching sea turtles nest later tonight!

P.S.  We had rice and beans for breakfast and lunch, however to our surprise, we did not have rice and beans for dinner this time!  We were shocked!
7/23/2013 11:47:05 pm

Wow!!! What a wonderful day y'all had!! I'm so excited you guys got to see so many of the animals we talk about up close and personal! Missing you guy very much (but not the frogs ;) ) Enjoy day 4!! Love you!

7/24/2013 10:06:14 am

Yay for sloth sightings! And aren't those leaf cutter ants UNBELIEVABLE??? I love watching them!


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    Four first grade teachers traveling to the rainforest

